If you have any concerns regarding the safety or wellbeing of a child at our school please ask to speak to our Designated Safeguarding Lead or one of our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.

Mr Mike Sladen is our Governor for Safeguarding.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023-24

As part of our commitment to safeguarding our students, we have partnered with Bedfordshire Police to take part in a home office initiative called Operation Encompass, the aim of which is to facilitate the swift sharing of information between police forces and schools.

Operation Encompass is an information-sharing partnership between Bedfordshire Police and Bedfordshire educational settings (from Reception through to Higher Education) that allows schools to offer immediate support for children and young people experiencing domestic abuse.

Information obtained by the police at the attendance of a domestic abuse incident is shared with a school before the start of the next school day which enables appropriate support to be given depending on the needs and wishes of the child.