Fun activities to do at home



How much?

While shopping, point out an item costing less than £1.

Ask your child to work out in their head the cost of 3 items.

Ask them to guess first. See how close they come.

If you see any items labelled, for example, ‘2 for £3.50’, ask them to work out the cost of 1 item for you, and to explain how they got the answer.


Times tables

Say together the six times table forwards, then backwards. Ask your child questions, such as:

Nine sixes?                        How many sixes in 42?

Six times four?                   Forty-eight divided by six?

Three multiplied by six?     Six times what equals sixty?

Repeat with the seven, eight and nine times tables.

Car numbers

Try reading a car number as a measurement in centimetres, then converting it to metres, e.g. 456cm, which is 4.56m, or 4m and 56cm.

Try this with car numbers that have zeros in them, e.g. 307cm, which is 3.07m or 3m and 7cm

; 370cm, which is 3.7m, or 3m and 70cm. These are harder!


Dicey subtractions


Fill in the missing gaps.Take turns to roll a dice twice.

400_ – 399_

e.g.      4002 – 3994

Count on from the smaller to the larger number,

e.g 3995, 3996, 3997, 3998, 3999, 4000, 4001, 4002.

¨       You counted on 8, so you score 8 points.

¨       Keep a running total of your score.

¨       The first to get 50 or more points wins.

Dicey division                                       


For this game you need a 1–100 board

(a snakes and ladders board will do),

a dice and 20 coins or counters.

¨       Take turns.

¨       Choose a two-digit number. Roll a dice. If you roll 1, roll again.

¨       If your two-digit number divides exactly by the dice number, put a coin on your chosen two-digit             number. Otherwise, miss that turn.

¨       The first to get 10 counters on the board wins.

Car numbers

¨       Choose a car number.

¨       You may add or subtract 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 or 90.

¨       Try to get as close as possible to 555.

¨       Who can get closest during a week?