We work very closely with lower school colleagues to ensure that all pupils make a happy start to Edward Peake; information is gathered individually about their learning, social and emotional needs prior to entry.  In the case of pupils who have been identified as having SEND, additional transition work will take place:

  • Parents/carers of prospective pupils with SEND are welcome to visit our school to discuss possible provision for their child with Ms Anderson;
  • For pupils  with EHCPs, Edward Peake staff will attend Annual Reviews whenever possible
  • Pupils identified by lower school colleagues as requiring additional support will follow an individualised programme, such as additional visits, during the summer term prior to entry.

The SEND team will prepare a pupil profile for pupils with additional needs, and this is available electronically to all relevant teaching and support staff, so that they are aware of the pupil’s needs and strategies for working with them.

Edward Peake aims to prepare our pupils as fully as possible for upper school and adult life.  Pupils with SEND can benefit from an enhanced transition package and information sharing SENDCo to SENDCo.