We believe that all teachers are teachers of literacy and are committed to developing our pupils’ literacy skills in all subject areas

We believe that:

  • enhancing pupils’ language enhances their subject learning
  • all subjects can make a specific contribution to developing pupils’ language through the teaching of subject-specific vocabulary and patterns of language
  • all teaching contributes to pupils’ development of language since speaking, listening, reading and writing are, to varying degrees, integral to all lessons.

Literacy across the Curriculum is important because:

  • reading helps us to learn from sources beyond our immediate experience
  • pupils need vocabulary, expression and organisational control to cope with the cognitive demands of subjects
  • writing helps us to sustain and order thought
  • language helps us to reflect, revise and evaluate the things we do, and on the things others have said, written or done
  • responding to higher order questions encourages the development of thinking skills and enquiry
  • improving literacy and learning can have an impact on pupils’ self-esteem, on motivation and behaviour. 
  • It is empowering as it allows pupils to learn independently.