Careers lead: Mrs K Rodgers
Link to: Careers Education, Information and Guidance Policy
Link to: Careers Newsletters
Careers Programme
At Edward Peake Middle School we want all our young people to understand the full range of opportunities available to them in today’s world and help them to acquire the skills and qualifications they will need to succeed in the workplace today and in the future. We believe that every pupil should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. We also aim to prepare our pupils for the opportunities in the next stage of their education, a time when they will make choices about their future studies.
All of our pupils from Year 5 to 8 will have access to a planned careers education information and guidance (CEIAG) programme which supports us in achieving our aims. This will be delivered through our PSHCE curriculum and all teachers will support our whole school approach to careers education information and guidance by making explicit links within their own subject areas and sharing this with the pupils they teach.
By the time pupils get to the end of Year 5 they will have the opportunity to:
- Identify and recognise their own worth and positive aspects of themselves and set personal goals for next steps
- Identify mindsets and how they approach learning through Growth Mindsets
- Explore their personal aspirations and dreams for the future
- Explore how they will need money to achieve some of their dreams
- Investigate a range of jobs carried out by people they know and will have explored how much people earn in different jobs
- Gain an understanding of a range of jobs they would like to do when they are older, what motivates them and what they need to do to achieve it
- Recognise and challenge gender stereotypes
- Identify potential STEM career choices that are available to them
- Learn about the world of work from visiting speakers.
By the time pupils get to the end of Year 6 they will have the opportunity to:
- Identify personal learning strengths and understand why it’s important to stretch the boundaries of their own current learning
- Learn how to motivate themselves recognising their feelings and set success criteria
- Gain an understanding of a range of jobs they would like to do when they are older, what motivates them and what they need to do to achieve it
- Identify some ways they can work with other people to make the world a better place
- Learn strategies and physical exercises in order to relieve stress, anxiety and support them in coping in challenging situations
- Identify solutions to difficult situations / challenges
- Learn about the world of work from visiting speakers.
By the time pupils get to the end of Year 7 they will have the opportunity to:
- Identify and challenge stereotypes whilst learning about the world of work and why it is important
- Identify their own characteristics, strengths and preferences
- Complete the Buzz Quiz – a self-evaluation tool to support pupils in exploring career pathways they may wish to consider
- Investigated and researched a variety of identified roles for Buzz Quiz
- Explored a range of jobs / careers and occupations
- Learn about aspects of employment law relating to young peopleās permitted hours and types of employment; and know how to minimise health and safety risks to themselves and those around them
- Recognise when they are using the qualities and skills needed to be enterprising
- Learn about volunteering and the environment in which they live and work to change things: the rewards and benefits
- Identify different kinds of work and why peopleās satisfaction with their working lives varies
- Tell their own story about what they are doing to make progress, raise their achievement and improve wellbeing
- Explain how they have benefited as a learner from career related learning activities and experiences
- Recognise the qualities and skills needed for employability and provide evidence for those they have demonstrated both in and out of school
- Learn about the world of work from various visiting speakers.
By the time pupils get to the end of Year 8 they will have the opportunity to:
- Learn about the dreams and goals of children in a culture different to theirs
- Prepare for employability: identify, develop and improve soft skills through involvement in the Tenner Challenge
- Recognise the qualities and skills needed for employability and started to gather evidence for those demonstrated both in and out of school
- Learn about resilience and why it is important for people seeking work
- Explore careers and how these may change in the future
- Learn how to manage money well – personal budget and how to run a household based on particular jobs and circumstances
- Identify and make the most of your personal network of support including how to access the impartial careers information, advice and guidance that you need
- Know how to negotiate and make plans and decisions carefully to help you get the qualifications, skills and experience you need
- Investigate what is meant by and how to achieve a work life balance
- Learn and develop employability skills
- Link career ambitions to GCSE options choices
- Learn about the world of work from various visiting speakers.