Welcome to the Geography Department

Live Love Learn 

” I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you” 

Subject Leader: Mr M Duffy

Geography Curriculum


The intention of the Geography curriculum is to provide opportunities for children to gain a confident understanding of where places are as well as the interdependence that can exist between places. They will gain a strong understanding of the human and physical world and have an appreciation of economic, environmental, political and social geographies; creating well rounded individuals ready for a modern world. 

Our main aims are to:

  • Live: Ensure pupils develop observation and analytical skills and personal qualities for lifelong learning so that they can make an active contribution to society
  • Love: Broaden pupils’ horizons by giving them opportunities to explore the wider world through study of places as well as educational visits
  • Learn: Develop independent, confident and successful learners who achieve the best possible academic standards, whatever their starting point.

There are several  concepts for geography threaded throughout pupils’ four year journey at Edward Peake. These are: space, place, earth systems, environment, sustainability, scale, time, diversity, interconnections and interpretations.

These concepts allow pupils to deepen their understanding of geography across a wide variety of topics.


Pupils are encouraged to broaden and deepen knowledge whilst showing a positive attitude to learning. Pupils in year 5 and year 6 are taught by their class teacher under the guidance of the subject leader. Pupils in year 7 and year 8 are taught by a subject specialist. All pupils have an hour of geography every week.

In geography we use the Edward Peake lesson structure to ensure that all pupils are able to engage fully in their learning.

Each year has an overarching theme which each topic feeds into. Every lesson has a key question for pupils to explore and deepen their geographical knowledge.

  Live: Ensure pupils develop observation and analytical skills and personal qualities for lifelong learning so that they can make an active contribution to society Love: Broaden pupils’ horizons by giving them opportunities to explore the wider world through study of places as well as educational visits Learn: Develop independent, confident and successful learners who achieve the best possible academic standards, whatever their starting point.
In the classroom

MTPs have clearly sequenced objectives – schemes to incorporate a balance of human and physical study over a 2 year period.

Opportunities for collaboration amongst peers

Consistent expectations for pupils’ attitude to learning

A clear focus on Christian values

Development of pupils’ cultural capital through celebration of diversity and multiculturalism 

Opportunities in lessons to explore aspects of our local, national and global history, culture and traditions – all through their studies of places at a range of scales. 

Careers programme

Quality first teaching

Challenging activities

Stimulating learning activities

Broad and balanced offering

Subject specialist teaching

MTPs give opportunities for a range of skills such as maps, atlases, data, GIS and written enquiry.

Out of the classroom

Close links with feeder lower and upper schools

Cross curricular links with other subjects

Develop links within and beyond our local community

Extra-curricular clubs

Community events

Opportunities for trips and in-house visits

Appropriate and challenging home learning

Access to online resources

Intervention strategies and support


Pupils achieve academically, are ready for their next steps in education and have high aspirations for their future.

Live: Ensure pupils develop observation and analytical skills and personal qualities for lifelong learning so that they can make an active contribution to society Love: Broaden pupils’ horizons by giving them opportunities to explore the wider world through study of places as well as educational visits Learn: Develop independent, confident and successful learners who achieve the best possible academic standards, whatever their starting point.

Pupils enjoy their geography lessons and actively participate. 

Pupils, regardless of background, are prepared for the wider world armed with a knowledge of the human and physical features of places at different scales but also the connections they have with the places studied

Pupils are inspired by what they have learnt about places in the world and are keen to pursue these interests further through career choices or travel.

Pupils make good progress and are able to achieve academic success

Disadvantaged pupils are supported in order to close the gap between themselves and their peers