Our policies are regularly updated.  Please click on the relevant link to access each policy.

If you cannot find the policy you are looking for, please contact Ms Karen Chatwin via the main school office.

Accessibility Plan 2023-2026

Admissions Policy 2024-2025

Anti-Bullying Policy

Anti-Cyberbullying Policy

Attendance and Lates Policy

Attendance Information Leaflet

Behaviour Policy 2023

Governors Statement of General Principles with regard to Behaviour

Careers Education, Information and Guidance Policy

CCTV Policy

Child on Child Abuse Policy 2023-24

Charging and Remissions Policy

Children with Additional Health Needs who cannot attend School Policy

Collective Worship Policy

Communication Policy

Complaints Policy

Data Protection Policy

Damage to School Property Statement

Educational Visits and Journeys Procedures

Educational Visits and Journeys Policy (Central Bedfordshire Council) 2022

Emergency planning for Visits June 2022 (CBC)

English as an Additional Language (EAL) Policy

Equality and Diversity Policy for staff

Equality Objectives

Equality Duty Compliance Document

First Aid Policy 2023

Freedom of Information Scheme

Health and Safety Policy

Home – School Agreement

ICT Acceptable Use and ESafety Policy

Instrument of Government

Lockdown Policy

Medical Policy

Mobile Phone Policy

Parent and Carer Code of Conduct

Policy on Personal Information

Policy for the Education of CLA and CPLA

Policy for Dealing with Persistent or Vexatious Complaints/Harassment in Schools

Positive Handling Policy

Preventing Self Harm in Schools Policy

Pupil Premium Policy

PSHE_Life Skills Policy 2024-2025

Relationships and Sex Education Policy 2023/2024

RSE Policy – Appendix 1 PSHCE Progression Map

RSE Policy – Appendix 2 PSHCE Medium Term Overview

RSE Policy – Appendix 2a

RSE Policy – Appendix 3 – Parent/Carer request to remove form

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023-24

School Security Policy

SEND Policy 2023 

SEND information report 2023-2024

Separated Parents Policy

Social Media Policy

Supporting Children with Medical Conditions Policy

Suspensions and Permanent Exclusions Policy

Transgender and Gender Questioning Policy

Values Policy

Young Carers Policy