Class teachers  are responsible for delivering high quality teaching, differentiated as necessary, to enable all pupils in their classes, including those with SEND, to develop skills and make progress. 

Where a pupil does not make expected progress despite high quality teaching, they may be given additional support.  The SENDCo may carry out observations and/or a range of assessments to help identify particular areas of difficulty.  If a potential special educational need is identified, a graduated approach – assess, plan, do, review – is put in place to endeavour to remove barriers to learning.  At this stage, the student will be regarded as being on SEND Support.  A pupil profile (One Page Profile) will be agreed with parents/carers and the student, which will set out:

  • the pupil’s identified need, strengths and areas for development
  • strategies to be employed by those working with the student
  • details of access arrangements for assessment, if appropriate.

The student profile is shared with relevant school staff.

Support is offered according to need and may take the form of:

  • additional differentiation or intervention by subject teachers;
  • in-class support by Teaching Assistants for targeted groups of pupils;
  • A combination of both in-class support and withdrawal on a small group or 1:1 basis, to enable the teaching of specific skills by Teaching Assistants;
  • Pastoral support as required;
  • The use of the Peake at lunchtimes.

If a pupil continues to make little or no progress despite additional support, and following discussion with parents/carers and the pupil, the school may consider involving specialists from outside agencies, e.g. Speech and Language Therapy Service, Educational Psychology Service.  

It is intended that the majority of students with SEND will have their needs met by provision at SEND Support.  However, an assessment for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) may be requested by parents/carers, or by the school. Details of the criteria for this is available on the Central Bedfordshire Council website.

If a student receives an EHCP, the provision made will reflect the objectives and targets detailed in the Plan. EHCPs are formally reviewed and reports sent to the Local Authority on an annual basis.