Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021-2022
Expenditure of PP Grant 2020 – 2021
Planned Expenditure of PP Grant 2020 – 2021
Pupil Premium Policy
Pupil Premium is a government initiative designed to support students whose families have faced economic difficulties in recent times or who are dealing with the challenge of being in care. The school also receives a grant for children of service families.
The Pupil Premium Grant per pupil for 2020 to 2021 is as follows:
For pupils who attract the £2,345 rate, the virtual school head of the local authority that looks after the pupil will manage the funding.
Ever 6 Free School Meals (FSM)
Pupil Premium for 2020 to 2021 will include pupils recorded in the January 2020 school census who are known to have been eligible for FSM since May 2014, as well as those first known to be eligible in January 2020.
Children adopted from care or who have left care
Pupil Premium for 2020 to 2021 will include pupils recorded in the January 2020 school census and alternative provision census, who were looked after by an English or Welsh local authority immediately before being adopted, or who left local authority care on a special guardianship order or child arrangements order (previously known as a residence order). These are collectively referred to as post-LAC in these conditions of the grant.
Ever 6 service child
For the purposes of these grant conditions, Ever 6 service child means a pupil recorded in the January 2020 school census who was eligible for the service child premium since the January 2014 census as well as those recorded as a service child for the first time in January 2020 school census.
Reporting the effective use of Pupil Premium Grant
The following information will be reported to our governors and published on the school’s website:
- How we will spend the grant.
- How the grant has been spent in the previous year.
- The progress made by Pupil Premium Pupils against Non-Pupil Premium pupils in the school.
Supporting Pupil Premium Pupils
We will ensure that we support PP pupils by doing the following:
- Regular monitoring of attendance by PP Coordinator and Assistant Head responsible for attendance.
- All subject leaders responsible for tracking the progress and attainment of PP pupils and ensure teachers are meeting the needs of those pupils in their departments.
- Provide PP pupils with intervention when required if they are not meeting age expectations in English and Maths.
- Ensure PP pupils have full access to the curriculum by making contacting with parents/carers and providing support with funding towards uniform, equipment, and extracurricular activities.
- Encourage PP pupils to attend Breakfast Club.
The school determines how it uses this money to ensure that these pupils are given every opportunity to reach their full potential. Edward Peake C of E (VC) Middle School has used and continues to use the Pupil Premium Grant to support a wide range of provisions and services both academic and pastoral.
Barriers to Learning
The barriers and challenges faced by pupils at Edward Peake are complex and varied. Barriers to learning are identified through data analysis and assessment of pupils’ progress throughout all aspects of the curriculum. These barriers are identified and addressed in the School Development Plan and the allocation of the Pupil Premium Grant.
The barriers that are faced by our pupils are as follows:
- Broken family structures resulting in family stress and low resilience
- The home learning environment is not always conducive for effective learning for some pupils and there is a lack of regular routines including home reading, homework and having correct equipment in school such as a uniform and PE Kit
- Pupils may have family circumstances or expectations that impact negatively upon their learning and ability to take up extra-curricular opportunities.
- Social and emotional issues resulting in low confidence and self-esteem.
- Some children’s attendance is low which will develop gaps and inconsistencies in their learning.
- Low parental engagement and parenting skills which impacts the pupil’s attitude towards learning
- Lack of routine at home which can impact a pupil’s organisation and being ready for a school day
- Low aspirations about what can be achieved and how to be successful and limited access to positive role-models
- The behaviours of other pupils in the class causing distractions in learning
- Many pupils experience limited opportunities for cultural and life experiences to develop and stimulate a love of learning
We aim to ensure our additional Pupil Premium Grant is spent on things that work and are effective in making a positive difference to our disadvantaged pupils, helping to combat there many barriers to learning and to help the pupils achieve their full potential.
Further Information
If you believe your child may be in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant and wish to discuss this further, please contact Mr T Hodgson (Pupil Premium Lead) or Mrs S Taylor (Inclusion Administrator) on 01767 314562.